The TYC Hurricane Plan

TYC Membership,

The Executive Committee is watching the weather reports very closely and want to make certain our members understand our storm plan and procedures. If the probability of a hurricane rises over the next couple of days we will begin to mobilize volunteers to help with the storm preparation described below:

The senior officer present shall be in command. Chain of command shall be as follows:

Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore 
House Chairman 
Fleet Captain 

When a hurricane WARNING is announced, NO BOATS shall be at the dock or float.

Club launch and skiffs will be taken to a safe harbor. Skiffs lack sufficient power to offer assistance. Launch will remain on duty for as long as possible.

The senior club officer will determined when launch service is terminated, keeping in mind that the launch must be kept out of harms way. Launch will be taken to Crocker’s or some other enclosed docking area or put on it’s trailer.

  • Dock boxes-gas cans will be taken off the dock
  • Tape sliding glass doors
  • Chairs tables carts to be stored inside
  • Optimists are to be stored inside of club if space permits, otherwise on the front lawn. 420s should be put on front lawn mast should be brought in side the club.
  • Ramp to launch float raised and tied to pylons
  • Picnic tables and walkway moved to high grounds.
  • Members shall remove personal property from the club premises: beach chairs, umbrellas, buckets, shovels, toys, etc.,ect.,ect.
  • Dinghies, Force 5s, small boats, ect., left on racks will be strictly at OWNER’S RISK AND LIABILITY.
  • Boats stored on beach shall be removed from premises.
  • Monitor VHF radio for on going reports of storm conditions.
  • Evacuate the Club upon lawful orders from Emergency Management Coordinator or New London Police.

Club employees WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE to tend to members boats. It is each individual member’s/boat owner’s responsibility to take care of one’s own property. Nor ,is it reasonable to expect other members to assume responsibility to protect a boat other than their own.
The prudent step is for each owner to take his/her boat to a safe harbor.

If you stay on your mooring you should remove sail covers, sails, roller furling jibs/genoas, Bimini, dodgers and anything that can catch the wind. Proper length of rode should be added, extra pennant’s installed, chafing gear put in place, booms whisker poles and loose equipment stowed.

No one pays more attention to the weather reports than boaters. It should be no less with an impending hurricane. Plan ahead, and don’t wait until the last minute to take care of your floating property. And when you have fulfilled your responsibilities in protecting your own, jump in and help take care of our Club.


Wayne Gammo
TYC Commodore

Commodore’s Trophy Race Around the Corner!



The Commodore’s Trophy Race is coming up quickly, on Sunday, September 13th! Please register as early as possible. We especially need to know the count for the party to assist in planning. Reserved tickets are $13, while unreserved tickets at the door are $15. You don’t have to race in order to attend the party.

Click here for Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions

and here to

Register for the Race Online

A limited number of guest moorings will be available as a courtesy by using the form below and we will contact you if a mooring is available.

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