Wednesday Night Race Photos from Dave Lincoln

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We received these beautiful pictures from Dave Lincoln today with the following note:

I used to live in Groton and always enjoyed the wed night racing. I was recalled to active duty and am transferring to DC, so I came down from New Haven to watch one last time.

The weather was particularly perfect for racing yesterday and I was on the water taking photos of the Wed Night Races, both yours and the Mudheads. I might have a chance to sail next week with Dan Andrews (whom I raced with for years out on the Sound), but if not, Fair Winds and Following Seas!

There are more unedited photos that we are working on, but these these are so well composed, shot and edited we wanted to share them with you right away. Thank you Dave for sharing them with us!

If you have pictures you would like to see on the website, please share them via email at:  Thanks!