Mooring Information for 2018

As discussed at the last General meeting, mooring applications will now be sent directly to the harbormaster (along with your vessels current registration). There is a new form (see Below) that you will need to fill out and send in next year.

Along with the form is a list of approved mooring inspectors that you can use if your mooring needs inspection as well as a mooring inspection form that they must fill out and turn in to the harbormaster when an inspection is completed.

This year, the club will employ Walter Kaminski as an approved mooring inspector (did not get on Harbormasters approved list in time), if you choose to use Walter, please contact him directly at 860-534-1979 or click here for email

The club will handle billing for mooring services that Walter provides to you. Pricing below:

  • Inspection – $100
  • Chain replacement – $110 plus parts (contact Mooring Chair, Claire Gammo via email or Rich Webber). The club has purchased lots of tackle is also for sale to members.
  • Bottom cleaning – $3.00/foot – 20% discount if on biweekly schedule

Please note that inspections must be done every two years and it is your responsibility to get it done.

Once the inspection is done and approved by the harbormaster, they will send you two stickers, one for your boat and one for your mooring ball. Again, this is your responsibility to fulfill.