Membership Drive Planning Meeting – Saturday, November 12 at 4:00PM


Now is the time of year most boaters are deciding where they plan to keep their boats for next summer.  We need your ideas to attract new senior members. Bring your ideas to discuss and plan a strategy for an Autumn / Winter Membership Drive.  I’m asking the Membership Committee, our current and 2017 Executive Committee members and Officers to join me.  This meeting is open to ALL members to share your ideas.

Remember after this meeting is Skippers’ Night starting at 6:00PM.  So stay for the fun and celebrate with our winning skippers and racing crews.



Rebecca Turner, TYC Membership Chair

Cell: 860-303-5451


Calling all Sailors, Family, Friends & Crew…

Don’t miss TYC’s Annual Skippers’ Night Celebration.

Join your fellow racers, family, friends, and crew to share your stories and celebrate a successful 2016 racing season.

Saturday, November 12th
6 – 7 pm social hour 
Dinner 7:00
Seafood Alfredo,  Bourbon Street Beef, and Chicken Marsala with Fresh Herbed Rice, Salad, Bread & Butter, and Dessert
Cost $6 for all racers (skippers & crew)
$12 all others

Awards ceremony following dinner

Everyone is welcome to come to join in on the fun. The cost for the event is $12.00 per person, but all racers–skippers and crew only pay $6.00. Thanks to the TYC Regatta Committee for subsidizing half of the cost for skippers and their crew members, as well as major participants in the TYC race program this season.
The event starts at 6pm with social hour and appetizers in the upstairs lounge, followed by dinner at 7pm on the main floor. The awards ceremony will follow dinner.
Please R.S.V.P. to Stu Craig by Nov. 8.

General Membership Meeting – Saturday, November 5

On November 5, 2016, there will be a General Membership Meeting at the Club following a pot luck dinner.  Beer and Wine will be available at a $5.00 charge for those members that drink.  Members with their Last Names beginning with the letter A – M, please bring a dinner item.  Members with their Last Names beginning with N – Z, please bring a dessert item.  The Pot Luck Dinner will begin at 6:00 pm and the Meeting at 7:00 pm.

Meeting agenda: 2017 Dues/Charges Proposal

                                Proposed By-Law Change

                                Election of Officers

Please refer to the copies of the 2017 Dues/Charges Proposal and By-Law Change sent to the TYC Membership in an email on October 20th from Wayne Gammo tyc.commodore@gmail.coms.


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