Force 5 Racing Update: July 16

Rob had no comment after the race.

Six boats were present for the race, with the usual five sailors and the addition of Jon Hiller for the first time this season.  The winds were 10-15 knots with periodic white caps as the first race started.

On the downwind leg (the bane of Force 5 sailors), Dimitri Sitty and Jon Hiller capsized and neither was able to get the boat upright.  Gabe Stern stayed near Dimitri to monitor the situation (good samaritan award to Gabe) and the Race Committee skiff went to help Jon while the race proceeded.  Dave Knecht and Rob Scala battled it out to the finish line with Dave eventually winning, Rob second and Tom Loughman third and then they all headed to where Dimitri was still struggling with his capsized boat.

After assessing the situation, Rob realized that Dimitri’s diminutive size and weight (we won’t mention Dimitri’s advanced age) was not going to be able to generate enough force to pull the boat upright.  Rob then performed an amazing feat of balance and boat handling.  He sailed close by and pulled Dimitri out of the water onto his Force 5.  While Tom, Gabe and Dave watched in awe, Rob returned to the capsized boat and stepped from his boat onto the centerboard of Dimitri’s boat, and righted it, all without getting wet!!!!  Rob and Dimitri then sailed back to the Queen, where they traded boats.

Meanwhile, the race skiff was able to grab Jon’s mast and help him get the boat upright.  It looked like it might be damaged, but Jon was able to re-rig the sail and return to the beach under his own power, tired, but with nothing broken or injured.

The RC then returned to the Queen and ran two more races, with Rob winning both, followed by Dave and Tom L.