Cruise Event
New London Cruise Registration Deadline
Thames Yacht Club 396 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT, United StatesNew London Waterfront Park Moorings - The first cruise of the season Mooring Date – One night - June 14, 2014 The completed form and payment MUST be received by TYC Treasurer before May 31, 2014. The price of a mooring is $31.50/night.
New London Cruise
Thames Yacht Club 396 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT, United StatesJune 14-15 – The Thames Yacht Club 2014 Cruising Program - New London Cruise The Details: Contact Fleet Captain ASAP by clicking here if you are attending this cruise. You must also download and complete this form by clicking here. The Charles Morgan will be dock at New London during this weekend and the docks
Pirate Rendezvous
Thames Yacht Club 396 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT, United StatesClick here for a flyer!
Pirate Rendezvous and Sail to Stonington Harbor
Thames Yacht Club 396 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT, United StatesStonington Harbor is approached from southeastward and westward. Vessels with local knowledge sometimes cross Noyes Shoal from southwestward. Noyes Rock, 0.4 mile southward of Wamphassuc Point, has a least depth of 7 feet. Noyes Shoal, with 10 to 18 feet over it, is nearly 1.5 miles long in a west-northwesterly direction; it is marked by
Essex, Dering Harbor and Three Mile Island Cruise
Thames Yacht Club 396 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT, United StatesAugust 16 to 23, 2014 – Cruise to Essex, CT, Dering Harbor, and Three Mile Harbor, NY. Please contact Fleet Captain Rebecca Turner via email by clicking here ASAP if you are attending this cruise. Stay Aug 16 and 17 in Essex, CT on moorings at Brewers Dauntless Marina. Ten moorings are reserved at $37.50/night.
Mystic Seaport Cruise
Mystic Seaport is the nation’s leading maritime museum and was Founded in 1929. Home to four National Historic Landmark vessels, including the Charles W. Morgan, the last wooden whaleship in the world, Mystic Seaport also features a working preservation shipyard, a re-created 19th-century seafaring village, exhilarating exhibits and a planetarium. Click here for more.