The Lunar Landing Movie Night!
In celebration of the 50 year Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing, this week’s Movie Night will be Apollo 11!
This “New York Times Critics Pick” was noted as “Awe inspiring”! Check out the movie review here, and join us this coming Friday for “Movies on the Beach at sundown!
Movie Night begins next week!
Here are this years movies! Hope to see you Friday night’s through the summer!
July MainSheet Trimmed!
Boat for sale!
1970 Columbia 21
- Fixed keel day sailor
- 1988 Spurgeon Marine Sailor Trailer
- jib
- main
- sail cover
- power panel
- electric bilge pump
- self bailing cockpit
- Bow storage compartment
- outboard well for long shaft gas or electric motor
The boat has a cockpit bigger than some 30 foot boats, seats six comfortably
Boat location Stonington, CT
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