Block Island Update

Please remember to reserve the Block Island mooring. Reservations are being made as of this writing and we would not want you to get there and find it is not available.
ONLY club members can be on the mooring. The new Harbormaster has requested that no more than TWO boats this year are there at one time. 
There are still restrictions on the island, so please abide by them.
There is a $25 fee per night, please submit online by clicking here.
Questions? Need more info or would like to make a reservation?  Please contact our Mooring Chair by clicking here.

Work party this weekend!

Dock Approach

Main Dock

If you recall our annual Spring cleanup day, which was scheduled for April 25th, was cancelled due to Covid-19.
Volunteers have been picking away at the To Do list since then. There are still many things to do, so we would like to have Clean Up day this Saturday, June 20 starting at 9am. Please bring whatever tools you think might help along with you, and don’t forget your masks and work gloves.
Please contact Bob Lattanzio with any questions by clicking here.
Thank you

A big launch thank you!

I would like to THANK Jim Scarritt , Dave Kneckt, Russ Carr, Lou Leverone and Bruce Smith for putting the launch in the water, getting fuel and bringing it to the dock. Thanks Jim for the use of your truck.

A big shout out to Cliff Fisher for the great paint job on the launch and to Ted Paulsen and Dan Anderson for putting the name on the launch. A special thanks to Marcel Couture for getting the launch and skiff ready for the season.

Wayne Gammo
Launch Chairman

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