CPR Class tomorrow night!


A class for CPR, AED, and First Aid will be held Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at Thames Yacht Club at 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.

The cost is $65.00 to be paid at the door.  If you have your First Aid, the cost will be $50.00.

2014 Launch Schedule Available


Click here for a downloadable calendar

As the last of the winter snow has melted and some lawn chores have been started, our thoughts now turn to the… 2014 Thames Yacht Club Downloadable Launch Calendar!  Enjoy and Happy Sailing!

Full Screen Gallery

This is an example of what a gallery post looks like. It adds a full-screen slideshow at the top of your site. You can have text, call to action button, custom colors or just leave it blank. It’s all up to you.

The slides are set up in the “slides” section of the site and organized into groups. You then pick a group for your gallery and that’s it. Pretty simple. And, the results are truly spectacular.

If you wanted, you can even have a gallery of videos for your slides. That’s another option. Lots of flexibility built in here.

Featured Image

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Fusce nunc odio, venenatis vitae congue in, interdum eu felis. Nunc ut lorem tincidunt, viverra ante sit amet, auctor ante. Proin ante felis, venenatis non ipsum non, semper venenatis augue. Morbi ut laoreet mauris. Aliquam enim nibh, congue at nisl vitae, ultrices posuere orci. Vivamus ac porta risus. Morbi faucibus ultricies elit, in elementum enim semper id.

Duis imperdiet porttitor elementum. Vivamus at lacus mollis, congue lorem laoreet, condimentum lacus. Sed bibendum aliquam tortor, vitae iaculis ante cursus vitae. Etiam varius tortor magna, a accumsan libero dapibus at. Nam quis nisi vel eros placerat rutrum vel id turpis. Aliquam dui massa, suscipit nec accumsan at, feugiat nec nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae nisl vitae nisi accumsan aliquet et ut justo. Pellentesque velit lacus, fringilla quis diam vel, mollis consectetur eros.

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