Commodore’s Trophy Race Around the Corner!



The Commodore’s Trophy Race is coming up quickly, on Sunday, September 13th! Please register as early as possible. We especially need to know the count for the party to assist in planning. Reserved tickets are $13, while unreserved tickets at the door are $15. You don’t have to race in order to attend the party.

Click here for Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions

and here to

Register for the Race Online

A limited number of guest moorings will be available as a courtesy by using the form below and we will contact you if a mooring is available.

August Mainsheet is UP!


Check out the latest and greatest in the August 2015 edition of Mainsheet, the newsletter of the Thames Yacht Club, including some great pictures of the the Pirate Cruise, our latest Membership Meeting , and TYC Youth Sailing Program.

Click here for the Newsletter Archive Page to find not only the August 2015 Edition, but you can also browse going all the way back to 2003!

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