Monday Update from the Commodore

Just a quick email update for a Happy Monday Morning!
  • The TYC Launch will operate today, Monday, September 17th from noon to 6pm. Please stay tuned for more information on the remainder of the week, as decisions are weather dependent.
  • Sailing Instructions for our Chowder Series have been posted to the website.  You can take a look at the SI’s and other information about this great series of fall races by clicking here.
  • Our 85th Anniversary Celebration will take place on SUNDAY, October 28th, 2018 and RSVP’s and payment is due on October 19th, 2018.An RSVP card, indicating your menu choice (to be mailed back in a pre-addressed envelope to All Things Business with your payment) will be sent through the mail to you.
  • Movie Night is back this week!  See you Friday night for Movie Night Above the Beach at 7:30 pm for Robert Redford in The Natural! 
Thanks everyone!  See you at TYC!

This week’s Launch Schedule

Here are the launch hours for the week!
  • Wednesday, September 12
12 pm to 6 pm
  • Thursday, September 13  
10 am to 6 pm
  • Friday, September 14
7 am to 9 am
12pm to 7pm for Off Soundings
  • Saturday, September 15
9 am to 7 pm
  • Sunday, September 16
9 am to 7 pm
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