Harbor Master needs our help!

To continue a good relationship with the New London Harbor Master, we need to make sure all mooring requirements are fulfilled.  To do this, we must keep inspections and mooring applications current.

Although this has been a very different year for all of us, it’s important we fulfill our obligations regarding completion of mooring inspections and applications. This is not a club requirement, but the New London Harbor Master. Without an application, another mooring could be installed near your existing mooring, and nothing could be done except the expensive removal and relocation of your mooring.

It’s worth noting it is not our mooring field, but rather the residents along Pequot Avenue.  In other words, while you own your mooring tackle, you don’t own the spot. Residents have the right to moorings there, and without a completed application and current inspection, the New London Harbor Master could put a mooring very, very close to yours.

Please make sure your application have been filed and the inspection of your mooring have been completed. A recent email went out with more specifics, so please take a look at our convenience.

Thank you.

2020 Thames Yacht Club Election Information

The Executive Committee has selected the Nominating Committee for the 2020 Thames Yacht Club Elections.
On the Nominating committee are Jim Avery, Linda Meyers, Leigh Reinhart, Eric Jones and Wayne Gammo.
We are looking for candidates to serve on the Executive Committee for the up coming year.
If you are a Senior Member, Master Mariner, Intermediate Member,or Small Boat Member you are eligible to run for office.
If you are interested please contact someone on the Nominating Committee. A list of all the Officers and Executive Committee positions are:
    • Commodore
    • Vice Commodore
    • Rear Commodore
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Measurer
    • 3 Positions on the Executive Committee
Please let one of us know by September 8, 2020. Thanks!
Wayne Gammo
Nominating Committee Chair

Cadets Navigate TYC!

The wind was up this past Saturday, so some USCG Cadets thought it was a perfect time for bringing out the Opti’s for a little sail!

I bit different than sailing the Eagle to be sure.

Help Needed Tuesday AM

With Hurricane Isaias heading our way we going to need help bringing the 2 Skiffs and the Launch to dry dock.

We will put them on there trailers and bring them to the club.

Trucks and volunteers are needed to move the boats on trailers and to drive the boats to the launch ramp under RT-95.

We will be meeting at 8am at the club Tuesday, morning August 8.
If you can help, please contact Wayne Gammo by clicking here.
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