Launch Update

The launch is still down but progress is being made. I would like to take this time to thank Ron Samul for jumping in (the water literally) to cut the polypropolene rope that was wrapped around the propeller shaft on a moments notice. He got most of it off and then Bill Lesko took the plunge the next day and freed the rest.
This brought us to the realization that we still had problems so Bill and Bill Turner did the backbreaking work of removing the transmission to diagnose the problem.
The bolts for the flex plate (interface between the motor and the transmission) were sheared from the flywheel, Big problem. See second picture below. So we have now taken the flywheel off ( thank you Roy Adamson and Ed Nevi ) and brought the parts to Ct Machine in Groton Ct for repair. We showed up at his shop at 4:30 and convinced Mike to start working on it on Saturday morning. This is where we stand as of Friday evening.
If Mike is able to repair the flywheel we will then reverse the process and be ready to go. We will need a few strong backs to reassemble so if you are available tomorrow or Sunday for a few hours please contact Bill Turner. Stay tuned for more info.
This shows what a great club we have for so many to step up at a moments notice, Thank You!
That said, the root cause of this problem is running the Launch (or any boat) with winter marks still in the mooring field, especially ones that have been in the water for more than one season. Please do your part and get your moorings switched to the larger and more visible summer buoys as soon as possible.
If you are not planning to do so, please make sure your winter mark is large and visible immediately. kindly contact Claire Gammo if you need advice or assistance.

Spring Cleaning Prep! Need your help!

We need your help!

In preparation for the start of the Spring clean up, and the delivery of the Clubs mooring supplies, we will be moving the two skiffs and the launch from the driveway to the street in front of the Club House on Thursday, March 25th, starting at 0900.

We will need members to help remove and stow winter covers, pump up tires and assist with the actual moving of the boats and parking on the street.

If you can help please contact Bill by Wednesday @ 1800.

We have one truck committed, but if you have a truck that you are willing to use let Bill Turner know by clicking here.

New Boater Class Offered for Members!

Attention Members!
TYC Members Troy Sill and Jeff Taylor are offering a single session Zoom class for club members who are new boaters. Both presenters are past commanders with the United States Power Squadrons, the nation’s largest boating association dedicated to on water safety and education.
The class will be no more than an hour and a half and will cover essential boating topics such as:
    • Use of Marine radios
    • Buoys and aids to navigation
    • Government required boat equipment
    • Navigation rules
    • Carbon monoxide and fuel dangers

The talk is not meant to be comprehensive but only an introduction to needed boating education. To operate a motorized boat or a sailboat 19 1/2 feet or longer in CT waters, a Boating certificate is required.

For more information on CT Boating Certificate, please click here from the state website.

To RSVP or if you need more information, please contact Troy Sill by clicking here:

To join the Zoom on Feb 17, 2021 @ 07:00 PM Eastern Time please click this image!

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